2024 Soil Health and Climate Resilency Field Days event graphic with New York state outline and counties where events are held highlighted

The 2024 Soil Health and Climate Resiliency Field Days continue with five more events showcasing soil health and climate resilience practices in various cropping systems across New York. Organized by the New York Soil Health initiative in collaboration with regional partners and farms, these events provide attendees with actionable knowledge and innovative techniques.


AUGUST 20 | 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM

Eastern NY – Albany County | Greenwich, NY

  • Topic: Cover crops for cut flowers

Join us for a Soil Health Field Day in Greenwich, NY, focusing on cover crops for cut flowers.

::REGISTER 8/20 | More info

AUGUST 19 (ENGLISH) | 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM

Suffolk County | Long Island Hort. Research & Ext. Center

  • Topic: Summer cover crops

Join us for a Soil Health Field Day in Suffolk County/ Long Island, focusing on summer cover crops. This soil health field day will include demonstrations of summer cover crops including annual ryegrass, sunn hemp, cow pea, berseem clover, teff, sorghum sudangrass, pearl millet, mustard, and buckwheat as well as information about planting dates, rates and how to incorporate summer cover crops into your system.

REGISTER for 8/19 | More info

AUGUST 20 (SPANISH) | 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM

Suffolk County | Long Island Hort. Research & Ext. Center

  • Tema: cultivos de cobertura de verano

Este día de campo sobre la salud del suelo incluirá demostraciones de cultivos de cobertura de verano, incluidos raigrás anual, cáñamo sunn, caupí, trébol berseem, teff, sorgo sudangrass, mijo perla, mostaza y trigo sarraceno, así como información sobre fechas de siembra, tasas y cómo incorporar. cultivos de cobertura de verano en su sistema.

REGISTER for 8/20 | More info

Para registrarse para el 20 de agosto: 

correo electrónico:
María José Oviedo (mo488@cornell.edu)

llamar/enviar mensaje de texto: +1 (607) 793-4969

AUGUST 30 | 10:00 AM – 3:30 PM

Central NY – Tompkins County | Oechsner Farms

  • Topic: Organic field crops

Join us for a Soil Health Field Day in Newfield, NY, focusing on diversifying with small grains for whole-farm resiliency and soil health.


SEPTEMBER 24 | 10:00 AM – 3:30 PM

Central NY | Backbone Farm & Ramble On Farm

  • Topic: Pasture and silvopasture soil health

Join us for a comprehensive Soil Health Field Day in Trumansburg, NY, focusing on soil health, rotational grazing, silvoculture, and tree species for agroforestry.

Register & More info


Special Opportunity for Veterans:

Cornell University’s veteran project, Farm Ops, provides scholarships for veterans residing in New York State to attend a field day of their choice. Farm Ops will reimburse the registration fee, mileage to and from the event, and a $100 stipend to offset additional costs. Learn more and apply for the scholarship.

Collaborators and Partners: Backbone Farm, Betts Farm, Cayuga Ag Enterprises, Cayuga SWCD, Cornell CALS, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Cornell Small Farms, Franklin SWCD, Glynwood Center for Regional Food and Farming, King’s AgriSeeds, NYS Dept of Agriculture and Markets, NOFA-NY, Oechsner Farms, Propagate, Rodman Lott and Son Farms, Scenic Hudson, Tompkins SWCD, USDA-NRCS

For more information about each event, including locations, and to register, please visit fielddays.newyorksoilhealth.org.