Events / 2/26 | Soil Health for NY Orchards – Winter Fruit Webinar Week 3

2/26 | Soil Health for NY Orchards – Winter Fruit Webinar Week 3

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Join Cornell scientists Dr. Kyle Wickings, Dr. Greg Peck, Dr. Lynn Sosnoskie, Dr. Debbie Aller, and CCE ENYCHP’s Mike Basedow to hear updates on the latest research concerning soil health, including a general overview of what soil health is, mechanisms for change and improvement, and innovative nonherbicide options for maintaining weeds.



QR Code to scan and go to registration page.

DEC Credits: 1.00 DEC Credits are available for categories 10, 1a, and 22


Here’s how to secure your DEC Credits:


  1. Submit a copy of your photo ID: Email it to Anna Wallis at
  2. Attend the entire webinar: Join from your computer or preferred device
  3. Complete Qualtrics Surveys: Begin and end the webinar with the required Qualtrics surveys