Update: North American project to evaluate soil health measurements
The Soil Health Institute in 2019 embarked on one of the largest projects to learn about the best ways to quantify soil health.
The Soil Health Institute in 2019 embarked on one of the largest projects to learn about the best ways to quantify soil health.
New research from UC Riverside: Domestication yielded bigger crops often at the expense of plant microbiomes.
Like petrichor, that pleasant, earthy smell from the soil, that accompanies a rain after a long dry spell?
New research suggests these smells are from bacteria trying to attract invertebrates, such as springtails, who feed on the bacteria and help to disperse their spores.
Due to the ongoing situation with COVID-19 the Cornell Soil Health Laboratory is temporarily closed.
Produced by the Soil Health Partnership, “The People of Soil Health” podcast will provide a direct connection into the network of soil health professionals who are focused on the on-farm economic and environmental benefits of soil health.
New research from Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences shows organic soybean producers can be competitive using little or no tillage.