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2023 Soil Health Benchmark Tables for NYS

Table 1: PESH Benchmarks for New York (not including Long Island). PESH benchmarks may be refined as more data becomes available.

90th Percentile
Cropping System n SOM SOC POXC Protein Resp WAS AWC
    % % mg C/ kg mg/g mg CO2/g % g H2O/g
Annual Grain 37 2.8 1.9 620 7.5 0.58 58.3 0.20
Processing Veg 20 2.8 1.9 603 7.7 0.60 43.9 0.23
Dairy Crop 29 4.3 3.1 954 9.4 0.85 71.6 0.24
Mixed Veg 29 5.0 3.4 900 15.0 1.00 69.1 0.24
Orchard 44 3.0 2.1 843 9.6 0.54 65.9 0.20
Pasture 16 4.2 2.9 735 9.6 0.87 86.1 0.28
All 175 4.2 2.9 836 11.0 0.78 72.2 0.23
Annual Grain 209 3.7 2.3 757 7.2 0.69 44.5 0.24
Processing Veg 38 3.5 2.1 579 6.5 0.66 44.1 0.23
Dairy Crop 133 4.5 2.9 775 8.8 0.89 65.6 0.24
Mixed Veg 62 5.6 3.6 927 14.7 0.86 61.9 0.25
Orchard 51 3.7 2.3 731 9.0 0.76 68.3 0.23
Pasture 38 5.2 3.4 895 11.8 1.27 81.9 0.26
All 531 4.5 2.9 811 9.4 0.84 62.9 0.24
Silt Loam
Annual Grain 79 5.2 3.3 856 11.4 0.87 70.1 0.30
Processing Veg 21 4.8 3.0 690 8.9 0.91 72.7 0.29
Dairy Crop 52 5.6 3.6 859 11.7 0.92 70.1 0.30
Mixed Veg 58 5.9 3.9 912 13.1 0.94 74.5 0.34
Orchard 48 4.8 3.1 834 12.1 1.08 72.3 0.34
Pasture 60 6.5 4.3 862 12.7 1.64 92.0 0.32
All 318 5.8 3.8 883 12.5 1.19 83.3 0.32
Annual Grain 12 4.7 2.8 822 7.4 0.70 70.1 0.26
Processing Veg * 4.7 2.8 822 7.4 0.70 72.7 0.26
Dairy Crop 23 5.1 3.3 924 8.8 0.80 70.1 0.26
Mixed Veg * 5.1 3.3 924 8.8 0.80 74.5 0.26
Orchard * 5.1 3.3 924 8.8 0.80 72.3 0.26
Pasture 4 6.5 4.2 857 12.6 1.63 92.0 0.26
All 37 5.2 3.1 913 8.9 1.06 84 0.26


Table 2: PESH Benchmarks for Long Island. These PESH Benchmarks for Long Island will be refined as more data becomes available.

90th Percentile
Cropping System n SOM SOC POXC Protein Resp WAS AWC
% % mg C/ kg mg/g mg CO2/g % g H2O/g
Processing Veg 25 2.2 1.5 482 5.2 0.35 27.8 0.21
Mixed Veg 46* 3.5 2.1 1130 17.8 0.83 63.1 0.25
Orchard 9* 3.5 2.1 1115 9.5 0.86 57.7 0.25
Pasture 28 3.0 2.1 773 11.0 0.90 54.5 0.20
All 108 5.1 3.5 1039 14.8 0.82 56.5 0.25
Processing Veg 10 2.6 1.6 535 6.4 0.40 24.7 0.22
Mixed Veg 26 3.5 2.1 769 10.4 0.53 39.7 0.24
Orchard 16 3.5 2.1 594 10.3 0.64 48.2 0.26
Pasture 8* 3.5 2.1 467 6.6 0.42 45.1 0.22
All 60 3.3 2.0 670 10.1 0.55 41.1 0.24
Silt Loam
Processing Veg 13 4.1 2.8 828 11.1 0.55 32.0 0.27
Mixed Veg 38 3.7 2.3 694 9.0 0.60 38.9 0.28
Orchard 25 3.7 2.3 676 10.0 0.72 66.2 0.30
Pasture 20 4.0 2.6 687 11.1 0.77 83.5 0.31
All 96 3.9 2.5 696 10.4 0.71 70.2 0.29


Source: Amsili, J. P., van Es, H. M., Aller, D. M. & Schindelbeck, R. R. 2023. Empirical approach for developing production environment soil health benchmarks. Geoderma Regional, 34, e00672. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geodrs.2023.e00672.